The WeeStand
The hygienic non touch female urinals for all women
The WeeStand is an individual urinal designed for women by women to pee quickly and easily in a semi-squat position without contact. The WeeStand can be installed in a cubicle or mobile unit that ensures total protection of intimacy.

Why Do Women Need Urinals?
4 out of 5 flushes are for urinating, yet females only have one option and often especially in public spaces are taught not to touch the conventional technology from an early age.
The WeeStand also reduces female exposure to disease by eliminating the need to touch toilet handles and seats, which may be contaminated with faecal matter. In addition, the Weestand represent a significant water-saving compared to flush toilets.
Because a woman should be able to urinate quickly, safely and without compromising her hygiene just like a man.

Events that loved the WeeStand

Currently installed

Why Choose Us
The WeeStand urinal:
Takes 40% less space than a conventional toilet cubicle.
We have been retrofitting into existing cubicles.
It’s a sanitary infrastructure that adapts to women’s habits and not the other way round.
Has been approved by more than 10 000 satisfied users.
The urinals can be used in a male bathroom as well for an ecological design.